6:00 PM GMT-0600
Join Students in Davenport, Iowa for Food, Philosophy, Fun and Experience the Science and Art of hands on training. You will witness “LIVE” Mally Method Technique demonstration(s) and a chance to win free prizes! Learn more about the upcoming Hands-On Spinal and Extremity Adjusting Seminars filled with AMAZING “sniper-specific” precise techniques authenticated by world renowned expert Dr. Mitch Mally. These courses feature exceptional personal mentoring and group learning! Learn the art of communication. Learn how to TELL not SELL! One-of-a-kind instruction from a technique Master and qualified Mally Interns. Learn the 3S’s (Stance, Stabilization and Set) with biomechanics, breathing, palpation and how to develop speed and accuracy.
Dr Mally’s courses are also acclaimed as a real boot camp training for highest level Mastery. Truly “unparalleled” outcomes guaranteed to generate income. Also, visit with any of the “special guest” patients known to surprise audiences, sharing their personal story and treatment successes.
This semester courses (Tuesdays 6-9pm) include:
Registration link at extremityexperts.com
Attend Pizza Night Thursday, March 20th at 6:00pm ((RSVP at extremityexperts.com (Events))
Consult Dr Mally’s Interns for more information and arrange for car pools! Attend Palmer Extremity Club, Learn it to Earn it!
Tell your friends and best to attend the course(s) with friends and make new ones…tons of proctored hands-on training!