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Temporomandibular Joint

Innovative research-proven techniques providing patients relief and making TMJ recovery possible. Includes treatment of the Cervical Spine.

Afflicting millions of patients, the TMJ costs patients untold suffering and is a battleground for practitioners and a field of agony for the patients both physically and financially. Learn diagnostic and x-ray findings plus the treatment procedures to help patients.

Product verses Subscription

A one time purchase with ongoing access. Product version does not provide chat access with Dr. Mally. Content updates, revisions or new content is not included. We’ve provided a simple Products and Subscription Comparison to help you decide which offer of Dr. Mally’s M7 Video Series is best for you.

What Patients Say

We start by learning techniques. We thrive by literally changing someone life.

“Seven years of 30% hearing loss better in one adjustment!”

— Kathy, Patient

Online Course Includes

What’s Happening

Insights on the issues, what’s happening in the body and clinical case studies.

Evaluation Techniques

X-Ray reviews and orthopedic evaluation techniques to help you assess the appropriate treatment plan.

Treatment Techniques

Multiple adjustment techniques presented on a live model both in slow motion and real-time. Bone model demo included.

Course Lessons

TMJ: What's Happening (Product)

TMJ: Evaluation Techniques (Product)

Clinical case studies, Pre-TMJ evaluation techniques, pre-alignment techniques and TMJ examination techniques.


TMJ: Clinicals TMJ: Evaluations TMJ: Examination

TMJ: Treatment (Product)

Adjustment techniques. Clicking, popping and treatment plans. Conditions and opportunity to help people.


TMJ: Adjustment TMJ: Treatment Plan TMJ: Helping People

TMJ: Feedback (Product)

An option to provide feedback to Extremity Experts on this Product!


TMJ: Feedback

